Fur In Fashion- Redo app

Today I Created a redo of the app with the logo opening into an onscreen selection. Home being always being able to locate back to the home page, news was to cover any news regarding fur in fashion and if more sources are located, justice is brought to fruition or even just knowledge is brought to the viewer or participant who has downloaded this app, Video will contain Johnnies video with of course, Help will contain facts, statistics and how to stop fur in fashion or how to prevent against it and such methods, and last but not least the donate section will contain Gia and paris work regarding zine, posters and if people wish to buy one then they can or they can donate money to prevent against this , the more people that buy the more the knowledge is spread, and despite Europe being one of the most friendly towards animals, such places like china and america however are not as nice as Europe and the animal protection laws there have many loopholes or even not exist in certain areas, we hope to bring light to this issue even if it has been used before but despite this attempt, it still has not been eradicated so our attempt to use villains would make it easier for teenagers and young adults to get behind with some even quoting these more than quotes from historical documents that exist in the world.

Underneath you can see the opening logo for Fur in Fashion app, this is the remake of the “reveal” which is still called the “reveal” but is more based off of a reveal in a philosophical means, with each button pressed the selected area is highlighted to indicate which part is selected, it will contain news, facts, the home, donate and help which is now more accurate to a modern day app and everything is more suitable towards our work, the news portion will contain updated news and the home advertised imagery and promotional work, the donate will contain opportunities for people to donate there money to prevent this issue. I still am not confident in creating an app but this will make it so it is easier and more relatable to people to see and get involved in, I am also glad that I attempted something new even if it is not in my comfort zone nor does it bring in my skills.

beginning of new app

app redo.jpg

underneath you can find the link to the free for use generic twitter account to add some more depth to the app.





Today we added our work into a makeshift exhibition showing off all our skills and work that we found relatable to our showing off of Luxalvis, due to issues with printers we was not able to print off everything and most things were not of the correct quality that we would have liked, we also had to remove a few things due to being out of context and without prior knowledge they would not have fit in, such as my work like the lab or books or tree and quite a few others to be able to make it visually stimulating and also link in to our work easier and to become understandable by those who know not of our work or what we do.

we found that our work contained a fair amount of scenery, drawing and character design but we was also unable to print off such things like the flag or even the large scale version of the crescent with the symbolic mascots. Despite the technical issues we found everything we had presented was quite nice and fitted well within our idea of an education reform, we was happy with each of the work we made and only upon putting everything together realized a lot of work was physically drawn, but we also could not present certain computer made creations due to no screen to present them or only allowed to present the final video which also made the “edulense” idea a bit out of context but still relevant.

overall we was all happy with what we made, we felt the designs were all interlink-able even though we all had different styles and made every different type all become part of a whole, nothing was out of place and my personal preference was that of the character design as we all put more emotion into this than most of the other pieces, it was all things that we agreed on as we kept on disagreeing with earlier things such as layout or what building were or were not going to be added, as a result character design left us all able to do what ever it was that we wanted and only had to alter the backstory to suit the characters or Luxalvis itself. I wished that I would have created more pieces but with the constant arguing of what was going to be made and the limited time as well as many students taking over we was just happy to create the work and create something that no matter what part you look at it, it is easy to understand that we created a school and by reading the manifesto sent to the tutors you could grasp the idea of what we wanted, this was however quite difficult to provide in our work as it is a educational institute which makes it diffuclt to show free education or free school dinners as this would come across as a regular school, it is the imagery that sets us apart with more in depth shown towards the school and without 3D software used it was quite effective for a creative project.

A big Thanks to my group of Luxalvis:

Chris Batey

Nai Wright

Sarah Jones

Callum Angel

Gabe McFrank

and of course myself Kierron Bennett

Luxalvis- Final video

Today I altered the video of the Luxalvis institution, I managed to reduce most of the noises, removed certain excess frames and even stretch out the beginning so it could be easier to view as our last attempt made it so it rushed past quite quickly, by making the alterations everything managed to fit better with each other however I was unable to fix the whole “who would like a go next?” voice at the end, too high and it did not fit, too low at it made it sound sinister, and a complete revamp of the voice actors was too late to do so we as a group decided to leave it in as many people could understand the context behind it despite sounding unfitting for the video. I found the video was quite nicely set out with each person being used whether it be for background design or scenery such as the illustrators did, animation via the animators or editing via the use of me and chris to make everything fit together and work effectively, we also were both sound editors and transition editors so we both had a decent part to play even with adding in a few scenes of our own, then altering them if they did not make sense. Luckily very few scenes were deleted and most remained as they were in link to what other people made, I would also say maybe next time we add more characters but due to the limit of time we will just keep them as they are and show up at the end as a little cameo type thing.

If you copy and paste or type the link underneath you will be able to find the final version of the video.


Luxalvis- Additional research

Today I attempted to research more into different ways of fixing the video and how to alter the audio levels so I could get a better result, the music did not need much changing but the other work such background noise and animal noises did need to be reduced as they were extremely powerful, I will also need to figure out how to slow down openings as we had issues with the video stopping us from altering so this will need to be fixed tomorrow before the hand in date.

I feel like not much editing will be used as it is already of somewhat decent quality and only a few alterations needs to be made, due to the time required to add characters and new scenes we would not be able to fix this before the hand in so we decided to leave it as it was and see how it works with the alterations.

you will find a link to the finished version tomorrow.

Luxalvis- Final presentation

Today we presented the final video for Luxalvis, we found that the audio needed changing, scene transition needed fixing and the opening required a longer duration, we also found that the added “who would like a go next?” came across to some as perverse yet to others it was fine and was more an invite, this may be because of levels of understanding with tutors being higher than students but that was something that was going to be attempted to be altered. We also found that certain scenes clashed so that was also to be altered with some editing, but hopefully it could be fixed and not altered that much, we also found that we didn’t use enough characters but that was because we wanted to focus more on the surroundings rather than the characters and this would require way more alteration than we wanted and also adding of new scenes which is quite difficult as most scenes to animate takes a good few hours to even days so we are going to alter these when we have the possibility and leave the addition of new scenes as everything flows somewhat smoothly as it is and any addition would just ruin the video or not be clearly understood despite us going in a wacky abstract sense with some modern applications.

The final version will uploaded with a link later on as it is impossible to add the actual video on here, this will be either tomorrow or Thursday.

Luxalvis- Initial Video

Today I presented my work to the tutors in order to get feedback, whilst doing this we did not manage to fully splice the video together due to technical difficulties so they had to see two separate video both without sound once again due to technical difficulties.

As a rule they liked the video and found it quite abstract and fun, yet they of course wanted to see the fused version with audio, they also wanted to see more characters added but due to the limited of amount of time being only a day we could not put the work on top of the current work added, especially since most scenes require a few days to make due to the labor intense work needed.

later on when Chris received the additional files he modified my version of the whole video being from the “edulense”, this was because the version I used contained a blue background which did not suit the whole nature of the film as it was meant for a futuristic cyber space type style.

Overall the rest Chris had to do was fix the audio and merge the two parts together and possibly add some more for scenes either for filler or for it to transition more easily and smoother, This will however be altered come the final hand in by myself in order to improve the video, you may also view the final video when a link is uploaded.


Today I used the files I was given then created an animation and gave it to Chris, while doing so I spoke to him constantly and even decided upon changing my original glasses work as they did not fit into the animation but the idea that everything was seen from the glasses stayed and was then altered, we also was constantly changing audio and transition speed which we feel will be altered again and again up until the final video produced for the finals.

The original glasses used can be seen beneath but not the video as I cannot produce the video.glasses 2

Luxalvis- Creation

Today I created part of the video but did not animate it as I required the other parts of the video to add to it which I did not have, I will receive these tomorrow morning due to technical issues and then modify them to my liking before giving it to Chris to add the final animation process, Hopefully this animation will be great but I will only be able to see half of the work made due to Chris seeing and having the first half of the video.

I believe we gave each roles effectively in this animation split up and me and Chris will both be speaking as often as possible due to us both being part of the combiners and editors of the final video, this will make it so we both have the correct ideas and both can create videos that link in to each other, I found that this part has caused me and Chris to interact more and we both with the help of the rest of the group create a decent video that will be hopefully somewhat a combination of abstract and modern.


Today we outlined roles and created a brief storyboard, we made it so the illustrated created scenery, background and children, the animators animate and me and Chris edit due to our preference in all these areas, we also thought it would be easier for some than other due to illustrators not knowing how to use computers and animators not loving the idea of drawing too much.

This idea started with bees flying into a classroom- transform into children- bees fly towards screen- fly out into playground- Panoramic view of playground- hit crow- zoom into crow- Crows eye spins- opens up into mess- goes about kids then classroom- flies out window- does aerial panoramic view of school- zoom out into glasses.

This was the best we could come up with but come alterations it will be a lot better and use more editing, we Hope that it will work well and chose no styles so it will be a mixture of everything from simplistic to modern to wacky.

nai- opening and playground

sarah- classroom

gabe- bee swarm into children

callum- mess into aerial view

chris- editing and sound additional scenes and transitions

me- editing sound, glasses for end and additional alterations come final piece needed

Luxalvis- Unamsked

Today we presented our version of character designs to the the remaining group, by doing so we showed off all our different skills and styles, myself and Chris as a rule do not do character design so it was nice to see everyone’s characters together, especially with the added combination of characters it was weird and nice to see the backstories added since we showed off the original work come last Friday.

I found that despite mine being the only character with no color it added to the darkness and eccentric characteristics of Dr Albus Crow, this I believe made it more of an impact than that of others and caused more people to think when I gave a brief description of their backstories, I also found more people where intrigued and confused than I would’ve thought and this made me think I created a decent character with a decent backstory, you may find my character designs and backstory before this.

luxalvis unmasked