Movement: subject

We initially had been given research into 5 title sequences of our choosing documenting what was good about them and any issues regarding viewing them or why they didn’t work well, these can be seen underneath. we also had to create a flip book that documenting movement that can be created using the body either a wink or handshake but due to wear and tear most did not survive long periods of time, however you can see underneath a link to my GIF which made viewing my flip book easier and accessible to all people, this also means production and visualization would be easier should it be needed.

We also needed to look into research of movements that already exist as too see whether or not we want to be specific and with criticism or fun and with humor as this will greatly affect our work, during this I found out that many movements exist and to create a movement was difficult, there already existed over 3000 isms and because of this most came under a type of an existing movement which conflicted with our work and caused many issues just in this initial stage alone.

I found this to be a different and eye opening experience, seeing cinematic combined with typography as well as audio was overlooked by me so to see something and understand it in greater detail was just beneficial towards my research. However I found the flip book to contain issues due to time lapse difficulties but for a first attempt I found it to be decent and something that i could improve on greatly in the future, a real basis for animation or video creation. The research work into isms was also quite difficult and caused me to continuously look at it throughout the day with little ease as to think or create a new one, yet emotions highly influence movements so either hatred or love will be the best result as to create my movement.

hell boy title sequence,

American Horror Story title sequence,

power title sequence,

Spider man title sequence,

elementary title sequence.