Final Major Project- Catalogue Images

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For the hand in of the work I had to select images to be used within the gallery and the exhibition in order to show how everything fitted in together. I felt the game aspects seemed to be quite striking and stood out the most but the Instagram was lacking and sort of lifeless. The app sections were nice and large enough for people to read them as well as the book marker being a softer touch. This work seems to work well within it all but I am mostly disappointed in the animation and how it turned out. The rest of the images seems fine and there’s a clear visual style. I am unsure of how good the quality and legibility of the type is on most screens so this is also something I am anxious about. Overall I enjoyed the project despite having a very slow start and changing what I wanted to do. I did not think I would use these forms of colours within this scenario and original thought it was going to be more black and white. I am also glad of the quality of mock ups as they add a touch more class to the work and makes it seem less broken and more tighter in its approach.

Final Major project- Video

This is the final video made for this project. While it was nice to create, the lack of availability to create using XD makes it seem simple and lifeless. It does however contain all the work needed and each individual slide so it can be seen to have more of a pace and clear connection to each part. The use of Daft punk- stronger song, was because I felt it related the most towards procrastination, tasks and homework rather and seemed to fit in well with this. I also wanted something that break up the imagery a bit more and felt that the music could help do so. The type to show what each bit was about was quite strong and over powering and did not seem to sit too well within the work. I have quite a few issues with what I was attempting to make but found that regardless I had to at least show a working form of the app or video in order to give a better sense of what it is trying to do and how it all fits within one another. Should I ever repeat this then this is something I would fix straight away and redo again with better equipment and perhaps using XD rather than after effects which makes it seem clunky.

Final Major project- App imagery 3

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For the final part of the work I wanted to include the “game” mechanic, an idea that once you find all 5 orbs you will be locked out for a select period of time, once you enter and repeat that step you are then locked out for longer. This is to help ensure the user goes back to doing what it is they need to do and to avoid wasting more time than they should. I needed to showcase a completed stage so I used black and white imagery to do so, I still kept with the colour background just to help separate each part form another and seeing as the images are repeated it just made sense to do so. The “Procrasticlock”, part needed information about what to do as well as have some click bait with 30 levels, I did not want to spend and waste time creating all thirty as it was pedantic and useless for me to do so, so three is what I settled with. I also thought that using orange as the playful colour made sense for it to be the game, the blue being more refined and somewhat doctors/ psychology or even hospital related made me think professional sections. And the pink was more of a middle ground with the ability to be fun so that is why I settled for it to be in the tips section. The background still follows using the same colour gradient effect but I used yellow instead of orange as it was too overpowering and I did not want to take the eyes away from what was going on. Aside from this I felt this was probably the best section to create, the colours seem to compliment well and the game aspect seems to be shown with effort and intent than the others. I felt the images were used to the best extent within the game levels and perhaps I should have explored this more, aside from this no issues have presented itself and it is now onward towards making the animation/ video aspect of it all.

Final Major Project- App imagery 2

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The Tips and tricks section was to be less formal yet still include helpful tips that could combat procrastination if used correctly. I do find however it is very text heavy but with the softer image in the background perhaps this balances it all out and makes it lighter and more appealing. I felt this was one of the better sections as it could be actually used with some help from other people and perhaps even used within a lesson or used as an attempted tactic. The background needed to follow the softer pink to navy blue colour which helped with the softening of the deeper colours and well as brightening the darker purples. The only true issue here was the organise part which requires me to actually explain it but apart from this most are stand alone and the use of language is reflective of the student/ teenage audience yet can be used towards adults.

Final Major Project- App Imagery 1

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Continuing the feedback given to me. I wanted to show each part of the app in detail to give a deeper understanding of the work. As well as this I wanted people to see what is actually written and how everything is set out with titles and text. the background colour follows one blue through to the navy in the bottom left, this is a continuous effect as I felt these colours helped brighten the image and make it seem more adult and real. I also needed to know what went where and by doing this I could see where everything should lay and how it should all be perceived. All of the images shown above will be used for the final animation and will be used for its correct section.



Final Major Project- Insta fix

3 insta low

This is the Instagram fix for my work following feedback. it uses less of the large image and at part of its to show that they may become whole when all posts are published. I wanted to include some form of social media as many of them are causing issues but can actually help people. As well as this I wanted to create work that relates to the student life and struggles we all go through and I felt that it could be done this way. Luckily due to this format I do not actually have to provide as to how these can be done and instead could be more click bait related work with the imagery and intent behind it. One issues I have found is that the type on the images becomes blurry so in the future perhaps I would instead use another mock up or avoid this completely as it is outside my comfort zone and control and should be better left to someone who knows how to use it. It is also may have been a better ideas to actually create it and upload it to Instagram but that is also a platform I am unfamiliar with.

Dissertation Design: Part 4

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This is the final Part of my dissertation work. I wanted to still include the conclusion of my work as I felt most people do not use or include it at all and this would be more beneficial to my work as it sums up the work better than most. I also wanted an index page that used a weird and quirky image to set the pace of the work without saying why it is used and rather let the reader make their own conclusions because of it. The last double spread I wanted to use ripped effects to show the importance of the work but also that it is could be only be found by searching through texts, pages and even rubble. The title page was to include the title despite how long it is, as well as a simple graphic illustration to unify the work. The three words were made in order to show each individual part and how one could use the colours to find that part if the index did not exist. I felt these were a bit chucked together and lacked as much thought as it could have, but it also signifies my work and leaves pondering question which is something I liked to include within my work.

(Please note these images were forwarded to me by other fellow students and online, I do not claim ownership of these)

Final Major project- Fixed Part 1- Book marker

book marker low

As part of the feedback given one thing was to include type within the work to show why I am using a book marker as a reference. Including a short paragraph of type sets the work out from the rest, as well as this given the actual project a team name like “Procrasticare” helps separate the work more distinctly from others and allows it to become more of an expanded project rather than a finite one. The use of QR is meant to be linked to the final presentation but if it does not I am not to worried seeing as visually it is much more show-able than the previous one. It still uses the new images as a consistent image form but also now used Francisco for headings and minion pro for the body to help with legibility and digital type that this is being showcased on. Overall I feel this seems to fit well within my work and the only issue of this being that it requires explanation but hopefully the content on the back can solve this issue.

Final Major Project- Tutorial Presentation

procrast final pres

Today I had my tutorial Presentation to show how my work has progressed since we last spoke. The use of colours was now much more liked and it had gained some characters as well as being able to be truly part of a modern interpretation of procrastination. The Instagram was not liked as much as it could have been and was required to be changed to suit the content more. The app was said to be the centre of the work and should be something that I highlight and show off more. I should create not only an animation but also some images to go with the animation to show how it all looks and well as being promotional fillers or pieces that could be used in my portfolio. The final parts were that of liking the book marks but having no clue as to what they were for, and scrapping the animated posters idea as it does not seem to be the best way for promoting my work. Overall a successful tutorial and one that has left me with enough feedback to improve my work.


Feedback- legibility problem- fix type. Content- what on the back of the bookmark. Relating information. Name for the app?


Prosraclock- procrast- prorestinate

Highlight the ridiculous or help/ guide? Break Brain they’re patterns.

Consider white background and use devices-

Subtext will help- opposite if adverts- use adverts to help with the work. Animation selling the app instead? The app will lock you out is the interesting and important part. Almost like a D&AD narrative. How to get people to utilise they’re time. Two minute video selling the concept. Popular- Instagram carousel- controllable time places piece- frame by frame.

D&AD- filter?

I attempted to create a filter for this project yet it does not seem to work well. Mainly because I do not know how to use one but also my colour palette does not seem to work well for this format and should instead be left to printed ephemera rather than this. I feel this does not do my work justice and instead should not be used. It should be rather an idea that I enjoyed and be glad that I avoided due to how it does not fit in with the theme and instead looks out of place. The focus is more on the billboard of the vinyl cover and sleeve and this is what I will instead be highlighting.

snapchat filter 2

snapchat filter