

Today we added our work into a makeshift exhibition showing off all our skills and work that we found relatable to our showing off of Luxalvis, due to issues with printers we was not able to print off everything and most things were not of the correct quality that we would have liked, we also had to remove a few things due to being out of context and without prior knowledge they would not have fit in, such as my work like the lab or books or tree and quite a few others to be able to make it visually stimulating and also link in to our work easier and to become understandable by those who know not of our work or what we do.

we found that our work contained a fair amount of scenery, drawing and character design but we was also unable to print off such things like the flag or even the large scale version of the crescent with the symbolic mascots. Despite the technical issues we found everything we had presented was quite nice and fitted well within our idea of an education reform, we was happy with each of the work we made and only upon putting everything together realized a lot of work was physically drawn, but we also could not present certain computer made creations due to no screen to present them or only allowed to present the final video which also made the “edulense” idea a bit out of context but still relevant.

overall we was all happy with what we made, we felt the designs were all interlink-able even though we all had different styles and made every different type all become part of a whole, nothing was out of place and my personal preference was that of the character design as we all put more emotion into this than most of the other pieces, it was all things that we agreed on as we kept on disagreeing with earlier things such as layout or what building were or were not going to be added, as a result character design left us all able to do what ever it was that we wanted and only had to alter the backstory to suit the characters or Luxalvis itself. I wished that I would have created more pieces but with the constant arguing of what was going to be made and the limited time as well as many students taking over we was just happy to create the work and create something that no matter what part you look at it, it is easy to understand that we created a school and by reading the manifesto sent to the tutors you could grasp the idea of what we wanted, this was however quite difficult to provide in our work as it is a educational institute which makes it diffuclt to show free education or free school dinners as this would come across as a regular school, it is the imagery that sets us apart with more in depth shown towards the school and without 3D software used it was quite effective for a creative project.

A big Thanks to my group of Luxalvis:

Chris Batey

Nai Wright

Sarah Jones

Callum Angel

Gabe McFrank

and of course myself Kierron Bennett

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